Listen to the Little Voice
After sitting in the airport for three hours, my flight long overdue, I finally decided it was time to pee. But first there was the long process of gathering up all my cords and screens and beep-boop devices. At home I had packed my bag with a careful plan but now I was struggling to make it all fit. Exhausting as it was I managed to force the zipper closed and trotted off to the loo.
Creating with
Yesterday I published a post using an iOS app that can edit my git repo on my phone.
Today I’m writing a post using a web app called Forestry is a content management system for static site generators: Hugo, Jekyll, VuePress, and Gatsby. This blog is using Hugo.
What’s nice about Forestry is it puts just enough of a CMS in front of your Markdown or HTML files. There’s a handy toolbar that makes it fast to add hyperlinks, make lists, add code examples, etc.
Creating with iOS
I was able to create this post on my iPhone using an app called Working Copy.
Working Copy is able to clone a git repo to your phone. From there you can make basic edits, create new files, commit, and push back to your remote repo. Combined with a tool like Netlify, getting blog updates published is super easy.